It takes hands to build a house but only hearts can build a home! Unknown

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year for Halloween B- was a Pirate and L- was a mermaid, so naturally the pirate was hungry for fish, although I think the mermaid got away without any scratches, I think she charmed her way out of being dinner.

K and G Birthdays

K- and I have our B-days 10 years and 2 days apart. Now some of you might think that is pretty cool but too much cake or having to share a b-day cake is not so fun. So we decided that from now on we would take turns each year with who would get the cake. When we turn an odd number G- gets the cake and when its an even number K- gets a cake. This year was mine turn, K- and the girls got me an ice cream cake, it was really good and I was happy it was my own! K- doesn't look to happy about turning a year older, but I tell him he looks better and better ever year.

I know,.. I know,.. I only look 29 right!?