It takes hands to build a house but only hearts can build a home! Unknown

Friday, May 22, 2009


Their costumes were so cute, they look like little princesses!

The dance has began!!

They are patiently waiting for their turn..

B- and L- had their Ballet Recital Saturday May 16th. They both did a beautiful job! L- had hers at 1p and B- had hers at 4p so we were busy going back and forth. But we really enjoyed watching them. After it was over Daddy got them some flowers and they got to pick the restaurant to eat at."Golden Corral" not my favorite, but the girls love it because they don't have to wait for their food and they can eat as much as they want!

1 comment:

  1. G: Your blog is great! I don't know what you were taking about earlier, you've done an excellent job. It will be fun to keep up with you and your family even after we've moved.
