It takes hands to build a house but only hearts can build a home! Unknown

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feldes Christmas 2009

Christmas is full of excitement and many traditions. We add and take away different ones each year as the kids get older. But these are some of the ones we keep. We always have an organized program on Christmas Eve. It's like having FHE. This year we watched "Joy To The World" and B- played "Away In A Manger" on the piano, it's her first year of piano lessons. She practiced hard all week and I thought she did a beautiful job. K- also reads the story of the Saviors birth in Luke 2. When he is done he tells the girls that Jesus was the first gift of Christmas and that wise men brought him gifts, so that's why we give gifts to each other, to show our love like Jesus did. Then they get to open one present which mom chooses(it's always P.J.'s) and they love that. We also take the girls to go see the lights in our surrounding neighbor hoods. Then dad reads "The Night Before Christmas." On Christmas morning we always have a prayer before we start opening gifts. The youngest goes first, one at a time. Our breakfast is in our stockings which consists of a orange,apple, and banana. When all the gifts are open we put them under the tree and play with them all day.

Cookies for Santa.

L- ate most of the frosting.

They went out to sprinkle Reindeer dust so Santa could find his way to our house.

Daddy reading the "The Night Before Christmas."

Silly picture.

Their new P.J.'s.

Santa Came.

I love the expression. "NO WAY" I know thats what she's thinking.

Opening the First Present.

After it's all over.

B- Playing "Away In A Manger" for our Christmas Program.

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